Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Podcast Rec. - July 14, 2020

Podcast Rec - The Deconstructionists with Dr. Tad DeLay “Against” (Released March 17, 2020)

“The more narrow thesis that I’m arguing in the book is that white evangelicalism is a faith organized around fantasies that curate the enjoyment of, not the flight from, turmoil and anxiety.”

“There is no financial incentive within the mechanism of global capitalism to preserve the world...White evangelicalism literally denies the future in that it expects an apocalypse.”

“Human beings will double down when they get ashamed.”

“White evangelicalism grounds itself in the myth of protecting the child in the womb, but I think it is far more accurate...to talk about...the protection before that of the white child from the Black child in the school.”

“I think in a sense Trumpism today is actually not just a completion of the strategy that began with Nixon in the 1968 Southern Strategy. But instead, also, Trumpism is almost like a perfected form of white evangelicalism, at least on a trajectory that it’s been on since 1954 with Brown v. Board of Education.”

“I don’t think that you can talk about evangelicalism without talking about sexuality and that too is racially coded in all sorts of ways. But there’s also just a pure misogynistic component that’s kind of coded right in there.”

“When you hold the levers of power, and you don’t feel like you have enough power, one of the things you can do is trick yourself into thinking that actually you’re being persecuted.”

Dr. Tad DeLay was the guest on this episode of The Deconstructionists. He spoke about his new book Against: What Does the White Evangelical Want? DeLay unpacked the five chapters: Against Future, Against Knowledge, Against Sexuality, Against Reality, and Against society. The conversation was fascinating. My roots are in evangelicalism. I was saturated in white evangelicalism for three decades. I love the people who are a part of the faith tradition of my not so distant past. Because of that love, I now critique the institution that shaped me. This episode further equipped me for understanding the history and psychology of white evangelicalism. I highly recommend listening to it.

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