Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Podcast Rec. - July 21, 2020

Podcast Rec. - Sincerely, Lettie: “'Wow, you speak so well!': Tone Policing & Microaggressions" (Released August 14, 2019)

“Tone policing is just another way of protecting privilege in America. It’s a silencing tactic, which means that it’s part of a set of tools that’s used by people holding privilege to prevent Black people, brown people, other marginalized people or groups, from sharing their experiences of oppression.”

“Tone policing works by derailing a discussion by critiquing the emotionality of the message rather than the message itself.”

“Newsflash: emotion and reason can coexist.” 

“Are you guilty of microaggressions? And if people call you out on them and if people say that what you said to them was a microaggression, don’t get defensive. And if someone says that you did offend them, listen to why you offended them. And also, think before you speak.”

“Microaggressions reflect active manifestation of oppressive worldviews that create, foster, and enforce marginalization. It’s also a way to show inclusion and exclusion and a way to show superiority and inferiority.”

“Do not ask if you can touch a Black person’s hair.”

Please go listen to this episode of Sincerely, Lettie. Then listen to more episodes and subscribe because Lettie released the first episode of Season 4 last week. Lettie Shumate (@sincerely.lettie) is my favorite historian for many reasons. She connects the dots I have been missing for the past 30 years, and I am thankful for her voice and work. Also, join her Patreon community. You won’t regret it.

#lettieshumate #sincerelylettie #podcast #podcastrecommendation #podcastrec #podcastsofinstragram #tonepolicingandmicroaggressions #tonepolicing #microaggressions #antiracism #antiracist #dismantlewhitesupremacy #endwhitesupremacy #endracism #whitefeminismisnotfeminism #feminism #dismantleALLsystemsofoppression #history #listentoblackwomen #believeblackwomen #blackleadership #love #loveyourneighbor #learning #seekjustice #challengethenarrative #broadeningthenarrative

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