Tuesday, August 11, 2020

The god of Complementarianism and the Slippery Slope

The god of complementarianism prohibits women to teach or exercise authority over men. Therefore, women can't be what is translated as "pastors," "shepherds," "overseers," or "elders." However, this god may give consent for men to read books on theology written by women. The book provides a barrier, as it were, so that the man isn’t being directly taught by a woman. You can’t make this stuff up, and it deeply grieves me that I not only once believed this but also perpetuated it.

Well, I think this stems from a misunderstanding of the word authentein, an assignment of certain spiritual gifts to cishet men, a conflation of terms, and an establishment of arbitrary standards. In churches that allow for the possibility of women having the gifts of teaching or shepherding, those women are able to use these gifts, but only with women or children. This then spills over into a different discussion about when a boy can no longer benefit from the teaching of women in the church.

This also betrays the belief that they think pastors are meant to exercise authority, which has led to numerous problems, including spiritual abuse coupled with a lack of accountability. Unfortunately, many fail to recognize that the teaching of Jesus ended hierarchy.

And quite frankly, a hefty dose of misogyny is responsible for the subjugation of women in the evangelical church because many of the men in these institutions don’t see us as fully human, don’t actually want to operate alongside us in equality, and scoff as they tell us to go home when we exercise our spiritual gifts in obedience to our Godde.

Complementarianism also excludes those who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, asexual, non-binary, gender non-conforming, and more. Godde calls all people to steward creation well together. I’m going to go with Godde on this one, move out of the way, let all people utilize their gifts, and beckon people to fulfill the scriptures that enhance flourishing through mutuality. 

“Slippery Slope”

The house of my beliefs is crumbling 
Stephen said, "You're pulling the rug out from under me." 
Will there be anything left when I've pushed every boundary? 

I strapped on the skis
Took off down the proverbial slippery slope
A caution conveniently voiced 
To prevent intense exploration of
A less cruel terrain's interpretation
I loved Jordan’s explanation of the limitation 
Within the “slippery slope” designation
For it pridefully and erroneously suggests 
We started at the top

I once was so certain I could not be a pastor
But the vast amount of scholarship on this one topic
Is making me rethink my confidence in this subject
Why did I ever think Godde would give womxn the gift of teaching 
And then require them to not use it to build up the body
As commanded in 1 Corinthians 12?

The conflation of terms leads to confusion 
Many who yearn to preach
Pastor by another name 
An elder, an older person, needs to be able to teach 
People of all genders are to reach every member of the body 
Then there are those that grab the verse in 1 Timothy 2
Misunderstanding of teaching and exercising authority
In Ephesus where the ideology of Artemis was deceiving 
Authentein only one time used
Elsewhere this word has a violent connotation
So of course Paul wouldn't want women to abuse
But please realize he never commands the opposite
Never once does he
Or any other contributor to what we call the Bible
Imply that this is Godde's good design
For cishet men to have mastery over us
Opponents say I ignore plain and simple biblical reading 
They apply the same arguments as those who justified slavery 
Intentionally or unintentionally the desire to reinforce hierarchy 
Spiritual gifts know no gender and are poured out
How could I hinder another person from being able to minister?
In each passage there are verses we do not understand
Why would we think we have the definitive theology?

Godde isn't afraid of my questions
Doesn't run from my doubt
Is a steady presence as I don't figure things out
Jacob wrestled with Godde
Which brought him closer
Will I receive a semblance of closure?

#slipperyslope #poem #poetry #fightevilwithpoetry #womxnclergy #learning #growing #healing #writing #therapeutic #dignity #spiritualgift #spiritualgifts #almostheretical #becauseofrhe #hermeneutics #theology #evolvingfaith #exvangelical #egalitarian #mutuality #deconstruction #faithreconstruction #jesusfeminist #challengethenarrative #broadeningthenarrative

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