Tuesday, August 30, 2022

"Discover Embodiment with Dr. Robyn Henderson-Espinoza" Episode of BtN


The thirteenth episode of season 4 of the Broadening the Narrative podcast is out now. You can listen to the episode "Discover Embodiment with Dr. Robyn Henderson-Espinoza" for the Broadening the Narrative podcast by clicking on any of the hyperlinked platforms below.

Also on Overcast, Pocket Casts, RadioPublic, & other podcast apps

In this episode, I spoke with Dr. Robyn Henderson-Espinoza about their book Body Becoming. Dr. Robyn Henderson-Espinoza has been described in a myriad of ways: a scholar-activist, scholar-leader, thought-leader, teacher, public theologian, ethicist, poet of moral reason, and word artist. Among these ways of describing Dr. Robyn, they are also a visionary thinker who has spent two decades working in the borderlands of church, academy, & movements seeking to not only disrupt but dismantle supremacy culture and help steward the logic of liberation as a Transqueer Latinx. They enflesh a deep hope of collaborating in these borderland spaces where their work seeks to contribute to the ongoing work of collective liberation. Dr. Robyn is the Founder of the Activist Theology Project, a Nashville based collaborative project that seeks to work with the dominant culture and produces curriculum at the intersection of scholarship and activism. Dr. Robyn was named 1 of 10 Faith Leaders to watch by the Center for American Progress in 2018. Dr. Robyn has been featured in fashion magazines and appeared on many different podcasts. As a scholar-activist, Dr. Robyn is committed to translating theory to action, so that our work in the borderlands reflect the deep spiritual work of transforming self to transforming the world. As the Founder of the Activist Theology Project, Dr. Robyn is committed to the work of social healing through public theology initiatives, and writes & creates both academic & other valuable resources, including digital resources. Dr. Robyn is a non-binary Transqueer Latinx and adult on the Autism spectrum who calls Nashville, TN home. They are the author of Activist Theology, 2019, published by Fortress Press and “Body Becoming: A Path to Our Liberation,” published by Broadleaf Press 2022.
If you like what you hear in this episode, share it with a friend and on social media. I really think that little by little, person by person, we can broaden the narrative. In addition, make sure to subscribe so you don't miss an episode. Then, rate and review to help others find the show. The music for this season was created by my oldest child. We worked together using the Chrome Music Lab: Song Maker and had so much fun. I also want to thank Danielle Bolin for creating the episode graphic.

#DrRobynHendersonEspinoza #author #activist #scholar #theologian #BodyBecoming #embodiment #embodied #EmbodiedLiving #LivingEmbodied #ProgressiveChristianity #ProgressiveChristian #EvolvingFaith #Deconstruction #Exvangelical #DoBetterChurch #TellYourStory #Accountability #Justice #politics #TheologyMatters #GoodTheology #BroadeningTheNarrativePodcast #Podcasting #PodcastersOfInstagram #PodcastsOfInstagram #Podcast #PodcastLife #ChallengeTheNarrative #BroadeningTheNarrative

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

"Self-care is Essential with Kourtney Tolbert" Episode of BtN


The twelfth episode of season 4 of the Broadening the Narrative podcast is out now. You can listen to the episode "Self-care is Essential with Kourtney Tolbert" for the Broadening the Narrative podcast by clicking on any of the hyperlinked platforms below.

Also on Overcast, Pocket Casts, RadioPublic, & other podcast apps

In this episode, I spoke with Kourtney Tolbert about the necessity of self-care. Kourtney is a working mom and one of my neighbors. We talked about prioritizing ourselves, sustainable self-care practices, boundaries, and so much more. If you like what you hear in this episode, share it with a friend and on social media. I really think that little by little, person by person, we can broaden the narrative. In addition, make sure to subscribe so you don't miss an episode. Then, rate and review to help others find the show. The music for this season was created by my oldest child. We worked together using the Chrome Music Lab: Song Maker and had so much fun. I also want to thank Danielle Bolin for creating the episode graphic.

#KourtneyTolbert #SelfCare #SelfLove #Boundaries #Love #LoveYourself #MentalHealth #HealthyBoundaries #Healing #SelfCareIsForEveryone #SelfCareIdeas #HerSelfCare #YouTime #MeTime #MySelfCare #EvolvingFaith #Therapy #Theology #SpiritualJourney #SpiritualAwakening #EshetChayil #WomanOfValor #BroadeningTheNarrativePodcast #Podcasting #Podcaster #PodcastersOfInstagram #PodcastsOfInstagram #WomenPodcasters #ChallengeTheNarrative #BroadeningTheNarrative

"Free Range Pastoring with Jenny Sung" Episode of BtN


The eleventh episode of season 4 of the Broadening the Narrative podcast is out now. You can listen to the episode "Free Range Pastoring with Jenny Sung" for the Broadening the Narrative podcast by clicking on any of the hyperlinked platforms below.

Also on Overcast, Pocket Casts, RadioPublic, & other podcast apps

In this episode, I talked with Reverend Jenny Sung about her work as an ordained #FreeRangePastor with the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America. Jenny spends most of her time traveling, preaching, speaking, writing, and coaching leaders how to heal through brave love and beloved community. She received her Masters of Divinity through Luther Seminary and is the founder and co-director of One Dance Company, a professional modern dance company in the Twin Cities. Find out more info about the June 2023 Embodied: Women in the Holy Land trip that Jenny shares about by visiting eliastours.com/tours/embodied-women-in-the-holy-land. If you like what you hear in this episode, share it with a friend and on social media. I really think that little by little, person by person, we can broaden the narrative. In addition, make sure to subscribe so you don't miss an episode. Then, rate and review to help others find the show. The music for this season was created by my oldest child. We worked together using the Chrome Music Lab: Song Maker and had so much fun. I also want to thank Danielle Bolin for creating the episode graphic.

#FreeRangePastorJenny #JennySung #WomenClergy #WomenPastors #ShePreaches #NotGoingHome #ThisIsWhatAPreacherLooksLike #PastorLife #EshetChayil #WomanOfValor #Love #LoveYourNeighbor #SocialJustice #Justice #ProgressiveChristian #ProgressiveChristianity #EvolvingFaith #Theology #Spirituality #SpiritualJourney #SpiritualAwakening #BroadeningTheNarrativePodcast #Podcasting #Podcaster #PodcastersOfInstagram #PodcastsOfInstagram #WomenPodcasters #ChallengeTheNarrative #BroadeningTheNarrative

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

"Connecting to Superheroes through Grief with James Prescott" Episode of BtN


The tenth episode of season 4 of the Broadening the Narrative podcast is out now. You can listen to the episode "Connecting to Superheroes through Grief with James Prescott" for the Broadening the Narrative podcast by clicking on any of the hyperlinked platforms below.

Also on Overcast, Pocket Casts, RadioPublic, & other podcast apps

In this episode, I talked with podcast host, author, and mental health and grief advocate James Prescott. We discussed connecting to superheroes through grief. If you like what you hear in this episode, share it with a friend and on social media. I really think that little by little, person by person, we can broaden the narrative. In addition, make sure to subscribe so you don't miss an episode. Then, rate and review to help others find the show. The music for this season was created by my oldest child. We worked together using the Chrome Music Lab: Song Maker and had so much fun. I also want to thank Danielle Bolin for creating the episode graphic.

#JamesPrescott #grief #mourning #GriefRecovery #GriefAwareness #GriefJourney #GriefSupport #superheroes #dc #superman #batman #marvel #mcu #spiderman #avengers #ComicBooks #comics #Deconstruction #DeconstructionJourney #TraumaSurvivor #TraumaHealing #ProgressiveChristianity #EvolvingFaith #BroadeningTheNarrativePodcast #Podcasting #Podcaster #PodcastersOfInstagram #PodcastsOfInstagram #ChallengeTheNarrative #BroadeningTheNarrative

Tuesday, August 2, 2022

"The Realities of Christian Fundamentalism with Tia Levings" Episode of BtN


The ninth episode of season 4 of the Broadening the Narrative podcast is out now. You can listen to the episode "The Realities of Christian Fundamentalism with Tia Levings" for the Broadening the Narrative podcast by clicking on any of the hyperlinked platforms below.

Also on Overcast, Pocket Casts, RadioPublic, & other podcast apps

In this episode, I talked with writer and content creator Tia Levings. We discussed the realities of Christian fundamentalism, domestic violence, & current events in the US empire. If you like what you hear in this episode, share it with a friend and on social media. I really think that little by little, person by person, we can broaden the narrative. In addition, make sure to subscribe so you don't miss an episode. Then, rate and review to help others find the show. The music for this season was created by my oldest child. We worked together using the Chrome Music Lab: Song Maker and had so much fun. I also want to thank Danielle Bolin for creating the episode graphic.

#TiaLevings #ChristianFundamentalism #IBLP #RoeVWade #SCOTUS #Exvangelical #BirthControl #FamilyPlanning #ReproductiveRights #quiverfull #TraumaSurvivor #CultureWar #ReligiousTrauma #IGotOut #CurrentEvents #KeepSweetPrayAndObey #SmashThePatriarchy #ProgressiveChristianity #EvolvingFaith #TraumaHealing #DoBetterChurch #EmptyThePews #BroadeningTheNarrativePodcast #Podcasting #Podcaster #PodcastersOfInstagram #PodcastsOfInstagram #WomenPodcasters #ChallengeTheNarrative #BroadeningTheNarrative