Tuesday, April 27, 2021

"The Bible and the Lives of Transgender Christians with Austen Hartke" Episode of BtN


The twelfth episode of season 2 of the Broadening the Narrative podcast is out now. You can listen to the episode "The Bible and the Lives of Transgender Christians" for the Broadening the Narrative  podcast by clicking on any of the hyperlinked platforms below.

In this episode, I talked with Austen Hartke. Austen is the author of Transforming: The Bible and the Lives of Transgender Christians, the founder and director of Transmission Ministry Collective (@transmissionministry), and the creator of one hundred videos for the Transgender and Christian YouTube series. In addition to discussing Austen’s book, we also talked about current anti-transgender legislation and how to oppose these bills. The music from this episode is “Raindrops” by Bandy featuring Sedonte Rouland, Vokul, and Gwen T. If you like what you hear in this episode, share it with a friend. I really think that little by little, person by person, we can broaden the narrative. In addition, make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss an episode. Then, rate and review to help others find the show.

#AustenHartke #Author #Transforming #TheBibleAndTheLivesOfTransgenderChristians #EvolvingFaith #Love #LoveYourNeighbor #TransphobiaIsASin #TransRightsAreHumanRights #AffirmingChristianity #TransgenderChristians #TransChristians #TransPeopleOfFaith #SupportTransPeople #ProtectTransLives #BroadeningTheNarrativePodcast #Podcasting #Podcaster #PodcastersOfInstagram #ChallengeTheNarrative #BroadeningTheNarrative

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

"When Your Christian Theology Is Considered Heretical with Jordan Lukens" Episode of BtN


The eleventh episode of season 2 of the Broadening the Narrative podcast is out now. You can listen to the episode "When Your Christian Theology Is Considered Heretical" for the Broadening the Narrative  podcast by clicking on any of the hyperlinked platforms below.

In this episode, I talked with Jordan Lukens. Jordan and I met almost 10 years ago because he was the worship leader at the church where I was a member. We discussed various doctrines we once believed that were taught to us within evangelicalism, what we are theologically exploring now, and how it feels to lose your community when you're considered apostate. The music from this episode is "Humming Fools" by Micah Bournes. If you like what you hear in this episode, share it with a friend. I really think that little by little, person by person, we can broaden the narrative. In addition, make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss an episode. Then, rate and review to help others find the show.

#UniversalChrist #RichardRohr #Exvangelical #BecauseOfRHE #ReligiousTrauma #ReligiousAbuse #SpiritualAbuse #TraumaHealing #Theology #Deconstruction #SlipperySlope #ProgressiveChristianity #EvolvingFaith #Spirituality #SpiritualJourney #SpiritualAwakening #Contemplative #BroadeningTheNarrativePodcast #Podcasting #PodcastersOfInstagram #ChallengeTheNarrative #BroadeningTheNarrative

Sunday, April 18, 2021

Important Dates in the Month of April

 April is Celebrate Diversity Month.

April 2nd is World Autism Day. April is Autism Acceptance Month.

April 22nd is Earth Day.

I actually had never heard about April being Celebrate Diversity Month until the other day, so I read a little about it. This month of celebration made me think of the episode “Diversity Is Not Inclusion, and Other Thoughts” from the History Shows Us podcast, previously known as Sincerely, Lettie. If you haven’t listened, I highly recommend it.

On the Autism Society of America website, I read, “This April, the Autism Society of America celebrates differences as it works to build an inclusive society where individuals with autism live fully through connection and acceptance. Together, with other national autism organizations, we are leading the legislative effort for lawmakers to federally and globally designate April as Autism Acceptance Month, a shift from the commonly used phrase ‘Autism Awareness Month.’”  According to the “Autism Acceptance Month | 2021 Toolkit” provided by the UNMC Munroe-Meyer Institute, “Autism Acceptance Month (April) and World Autism Day (April 2) are a chance to raise awareness for the acceptance and inclusion of individuals on the autism spectrum.” It was on page 3 of this pdf that I read, “HASHTAG ACCESSIBILITY TIP: DidYouKnow that capitalizing the first letter of each word in a hashtag makes it more accessible?”

I keep thinking about Kaitlin Curtice’s tweet from April 16th: “As we approach #EarthDay2021 I hope we will consider how our relationship to the earth matters for our collective healing. Care for the earth results in care for each other. Violence toward the earth results in violence toward each other.”


#April #CelebrateDiversityMonth #Diversity #DiversityIsNotInclusion #Inclusion #Equity #AutismAcceptanceMonth #CelebrateDifferences #April2 #WorldAutismDay #AutismAcceptanceMonth2021 #April22 #EarthDay #ChallengeTheNarrative #BroadeningTheNarrative

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

"All Black Lives Matter with Nandi Kayyy" Episode of BtN


The tenth episode of season 2 of the Broadening the Narrative podcast is out now. You can listen to the episode "All Black Lives Matter" for the Broadening the Narrative  podcast by clicking on any of the hyperlinked platforms below.

Also on Overcast

In this episode, I talked with Nandi Kayyy. Nandi Kayyy is a Southern-born, Queer, non-binary, artist, activist, and podcast host with a passion for Black liberation, soul music, and fried chicken. We discussed the necessity of specifying that ALL Black lives matter, their podcast Black Friends Dinner, music, and activism. The music from this episode is "Water" featuring Lucee by Micah Bournes and Jasmine Rodriguez. If you like what you hear in this episode, share it with a friend. I really think that little by little, person by person, we can broaden the narrative. In addition, make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss an episode. Then, rate and review to help others find the show.

#BlackLivesMatter #AllBlackLivesMatter #BLM #NandiKayyy #artist #singer #songwriter #activist #podcasthost #BlackFriendsDinner #dismantlewhitesupremacy #broadeningthenarrativepodcast #podcasting #podcaster #podcastersofinstagram #challengethenarrative #broadeningthenarrative

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

"Pastoring in a Pandemic with Reverend Melanie Vaughn-West" Episode of BtN


The ninth episode of season 2 of the Broadening the Narrative podcast is out now. You can listen to the episode "Pastoring in a Pandemic" for the Broadening the Narrative  podcast by clicking on any of the hyperlinked platforms below.

In this episode, I talked with the Reverend Melanie Vaughn-West. Melanie serves as one of the two pastors at Oakhurst Baptist Church. We discussed Melanie’s journey toward ordination, how the pastoral team at Oakhurst dismantles hierarchy, and the creativity that has helped church members be included virtually. The music from this episode is “More Love” by Bandy. If you like what you hear in this episode, share it with a friend. I really think that little by little, person by person, we can broaden the narrative. In addition, make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss an episode. Then, rate and review to help others find the show.

#womenclergy #womenpastors #shepreaches #ordainedwomen #eshetchayil #womanofvalor #pastoringinapandemic #pastorlife #womeninministry #thisiswhatapastorlookslike #thisiswhatapreacherlookslike #notgoinghome #broadeningthenarrativepodcast #podcasting #podcastersofinstagram #challengethenarrative #broadeningthenarrative